Integrity VPN is a VPN service run by the non-profit 5th of July Foundation in Sweden, with the aim to increase Internet users’ security, privacy and liberty. Read more about our foundation on (in English).
Integrity VPN is only available through Internet providers (for example Bahnhof and Junet). You cannot buy the service directly from us.
Our unique setup adds privacy
Since Integrity VPN is only sold through ISP’s as resellers, we don’t know who our users are. The ISP’s, on their hand, can’t see their customers’ traffic once it has passed the servers of Integrity VPN.
Once having passed our servers, the user shares the same IP address with up to 100 other users, which makes it hard to connect an IP address to a certain user.
This setup makes for a strong base privacy in two layers, where no single entity has enough information on the users to connect certain traffic to a certain VPN user. Even if, somehow (theoretically), an IP address would be linked to a user, the user could still not easily be linked to a customer.
On top of this, we do not store any data once the user has logged out from a VPN session. As a VPN provider, we are not obliged to store data by law (as an ISP is if they would run their own VPN service).
We also don’t backup any data, except for the list of usernames and hashed passwords that we have got from the ISP. This backup occurs through encrypted methods.
As a last measure of security, all our servers are full disk encrypted.
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