Integrity VPN is only available through internet providers (for example Bahnhof and Junet). You cannot buy the service directly from us.
Designed to protect your privacy
As a bulk provider of VPN services to internet providers, we do not have any customers of our own. We simply give VPN access to the account ID’s that we get from the internet providers, and we have no way of knowing who is behind those account ID’s. This unique technical solution has privacy built in from the start.
In addition, we do not log or store any data, once an account ID has disconnected from a VPN session. (During an active VPN session, our servers only register from which IP address a certain account ID comes from, and which IP address it was given by Integrity VPN. This data is automatically deleted immediately when an account ID disconnects from Integrity VPN.)
Owners you can trust
Integrity VPN is run by the non-profit 5th of July Foundation in Sweden, with the aim to protect the human rights of internet users. The foundation was founded by internet veterans with a solid track record of protecting free speech. You can read more about us here:
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