How do I register an account for Integrity VPN?
Integrity VPN doesn’t have any direct customers. You can only sign up for Integrity VPN through an internet service provider (currently primarily in Sweden and Finland) that offers Integrity VPN.
If your ISP doesn’t offer their customers Integrity VPN, ask them to contact us to become a reseller of Integrity VPN.
I lost my password, what do I do?
Contact the ISP where you signed up for Integrity VPN. We do not have access to any account details, and we can’t give you a new password.
Who are the owners of Integrity VPN?
Integrity VPN is owned and run by the 5th of July Foundation in Sweden. This is a non-profit foundation that works to protect the human rights of internet users, by advocacy and by providing concrete tools for this purpose. Integrity VPN is one of those tools. The 5th of July Foundation was founded by Swedish internet veterans with a solid track record of standing up for free speech and the rule of law. You can see who we are here:
Do you log or store any data?
No. Integrity VPN has a unique technical setup in that the service is sold by Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to their customers. As a pure bulk provider of technical services to the ISP’s, we do not have any customers or customer data. We simply give VPN access to account ID’s from the ISP’s. To be clear: It is impossible for us to store any data, since we don’t have access to any data, beyond what is technically necessary to establish a VPN connection, data which is automatically deleted immediately when you disconnect from Integrity VPN.
Our privacy policy outlines the legal and formal aspects of our service.
How do I get Integrity VPN to work?
Create a WireGuard file for your devices at Log in with the username and password that you got from the ISP where you signed up for Integrity VPN.
For more details, see our support page.
You can also use our app for Android.
Do you support any other VPN protocols than WireGuard?
Yes, Integrity VPN can also be used with OpenVPN – see our support page for details and instructions. However, we recommend using WireGuard, which is both faster and more secure.
We do not support PPTP anymore, since that is an old protocol which is not considered secure.
What is the domain where I create my WireGuard file? and are the domains of the non-profit 5th of July Foundation in Sweden, the owner of Integrity VPN. We use the domain for our policy work and several subdomains for our network of services, which includes Integrity VPN.
How do I know that I’m connected to Integrity VPN?
You can always check “the thumb” on the front page of our website. A green “thumbs up” means you’re connected to Integrity VPN, and a flag indicates through which country. A red “thumbs down” means you’re not connected to Integrity VPN. Your current IP address is displayed above the thumb.
How fast can my VPN connection be?
Integrity VPN is designed to be fast and secure. You should be able to get almost the same speeds as without VPN, provided you’re using WireGuard.
If you run Integrity VPN in a router, the speed may be lower, since routers are not as powerful as computers, phones, etc, and therefore can’t encrypt and decrypt the traffic at the same speed.
The speed of your VPN connected may be affected by your hardware, operating system, firewalls, settings, other applications, and where you connect from.
Can I run Integrity VPN in my router?
Generally, yes, but we do not give support on how to run Integrity VPN in a router, since there are simply too many brands and models out there. However, router implementations of Integrity VPN are frequently discussed in our forum, and router manufacturers also often provide support forums for their products.
Which DNS servers do you use?
Integrity VPN uses its own DNS (Domain Name System) servers, with the following IP addresses:
- 2001:9b1:8826::53
- 2001:9b0:4:2601::53
Do I have a DNS leak?
A DNS leak is when a request to the DNS server occurs outside of the VPN tunnel. Integrity VPN users request our DNS servers within the VPN tunnel. A DNS test may show that the DNS server is owned by “Bahnhof.” That is because we have received our IP addresses from Bahnhof, a Swedish network operator. This is not a DNS leak.
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